How to Make Sagittarius Season Work for You

Welcome to Sagittarius season, all. Any other astro nerds out there? I’ve tuned into the energies and resurfaced with a few messages from the astral that I hope will aid you during this next month. As you may already know, this season is ruled by beneficent Jupiter. This planetary force governs knowledge, especially the philosophical and spiritual kind and the type of learning that comes from experience. Jupiter supports us in expanding our horizons, grasping the big picture, evolving our consciousness – which is why Saggitarius’ archer glyph is aiming high. For those of you who have not directly asked for a connection to Jupiter’s influence in a meditative state, I will share with you that this planets emanations are warm, magnanimous and generous. You might even liken this energy to a nurturing father figure who wishes for you to be prosperous, to grow, to explore and learn and to reach your full potential.

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Cosmic Intuition | Q&A

I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m fortunate enough to have an online group of mystic-friends. A group where we share our most transcendent meditations, our super out-there psychic experiences and deep, probably unanswerable spiritual questions.

This community has been so nourishing to me, and keeps me super checked into my spiritual life. For a long time, I was going the meditation path alone, so now that I’ve found it, my little community of mystics is mucho important to me!

I wanted to share a little with you guys about what we’re up to over there. This week, we’re generating some dialogue and answering a list of Cosmic and Intuitive questions under the #starseed tag – which just means we’re talking about cosmic consciousness.

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Using Dreams Spiritually

As some of you may know, our dream time can be a deeply spiritual time. I think there’s a spectrum of dreaming, from the totally mundane dream that echos the day’s events to the highly spiritual visitation where you encounter an angelic presence. In our lifetime, we’ll likely get to experience this entire spectrum.

But how is dream content spiritual? The main thing to know is that our mind is divided into two main aspects, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the part of our being that we can see and know clearly. The conscious mind is where the limited, individual sense of self resides. It’s practical and useful. The subconscious is that part of our psyche that is just beneath our conscious awareness. We can sense it intuitively in dreams and meditation, but not quite “see” it directly. The content and experience there is not limited to the small self or the individual personality. Rather, it reflects the higher-self, the broader consciousness that connects all things, and the higher soul. 

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The Holy Magic of Water

Taking a move out of Egypt’s book and using water as a spiritual tool

As you may know, it’s Keys of Egypt week here at the Diaries, which means I’m talking about the Gifts of the Nile again today!

One of the main features of Egyptian spirituality that I’ve intuitively been shown in meditation is that their priests and priestesses were utilizing what looked like ceremonial bath houses for spiritual initiation.

That makes sense when you think about it. As I said in my big mamma jamma Keys of Egypt post, the element of water is closely associated with the feminine principle which governs and facilitates psychic or mystical experience. Water represents the subconscious, the emotional body and the creative waters of our Genesis. These are areas over which the cosmic feminine principle presides. Water mysteries therefore bring us closer to her, the Goddess. The divine feminine. The heavenly mother.

Here’s something to know before we go any further. Water takes on properties with which we imbue it. It’s affected by our consciousness. We can speak words into a vessel or a body of water, and it will carry that energy. Good or bad. That’s why priests pray over their holy water. They’re filling it with a certain level of intention and consciousness.

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Falcon Totems of Egypt

Happy Keys of Egypt Week! We’re still going at it over here with all things Egypt. Today, I thought I’d share one of my favorite archetypes out of the Age of the Pharaohs. And that is the bird of prey totem.

The Egyptian god, Horus, is known as the falcon-headed sky god. He is son of Isis and Osiris. In some accounts of the myth, he was conceived magically after Osiris was murdered by his evil brother Set. Isis, as the story goes, casts a temporary resurrection spell long enough for Horus to be conceived.

After Horus is born, he and Isis avenge Osiris’ death together. Isis collects the many pieces of Osiris’ body and reassembles them. Some believe that the Goddess’s collection of Osiris’ body and his subsequent resurrection symbolically represents the soul’s journey: our process of recollecting with the help of the divine feminine the forgotten facets of our higher consciousness during the “sleep” of physical incarnation. That our remembrance of our higher consciousness leads ultimately to enlightenment and reunification with God, which in a sense gives us power over death like in Osiris’ story.

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The Madonna of the Nile

Remembering the divine feminine through Egypt

It’s Keys of Egypt week here at Satsuma Diaries, so I thought I’d share another post about one of the distinctive features of Egyptian spirituality. Namely, their recognition of the feminine aspect of God.

Just so you know, when I talk about Egypt, I’m speaking form the vantage point of a mystic. I’ve “seen” into the Egyptian spiritual system in prolonged meditation, and want to share with you what I’ve found.

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Lion Totems in Egypt

It’s Keys of Egypt week here at Satsuma Diaries. Each day, I’ll be making a post about the spiritual legacy of Egypt and how we can put to use their traditions to benefit our personal spiritual growth and healing.

Today, we’re examining Egypt’s deep relationship with the archetype of the lion.

Just to put this in proper context, mystics regard animal medicine as very important to the development of human consciousness. Each animal represents a different emanation of the Godhead or Highest Principle of Reality. Each animal has a teaching.

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It’s Egypt Week at the Apollo

Since Egypt is one of my core spiritual interests, I’ve decided this is “Keys of Egypt Week.” Yes, a whole week of all things Egypt.  

Every day this week, I’ll be making compact entries on this topic, but if you’re an over-achiever and into the Egypt angle…here’s the big mama-jama Keys of Egypt post.

In case you’re new here, I’m what you’d call a mystic. I’ve practiced many years of prolonged meditation and have developed the siddhe or spiritual gift of intuitive sight. Anyone can do this with a few months of discipline. So, if you’re interested in developing this area of your life too, do check out my Basics of Meditation post. 

In short, I’ll be sharing about Egypt based on my meditation journeys and past lives there. I do have an anthropology degree and a natural intellectual interest in Egypt as well, so that will be in the mix too. 

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The Keys of Egypt

How to access the spiritual legacy of Egypt for your healing and growth

You might be wondering what Egypt has to do with spirituality. I might’ve thought the same thing before I started meditating. But after I developed a strong meditation practice and acquired a clear connection to my spirit guides, it became abundantly clear that Egypt was a core theme for me to explore in this life. And that’s true for a lot of us! That’s because Egypt represents a very important time in human history and a unique expression of human consciousness.

In short, Egypt developed a highly advanced spiritual system. Mystics of that period grounded a lot of spiritual science and truths that we are meant to rediscover at this time.

Not feeling up to reading a whole thing? Click here if you’d rather learn about this in my short ‘Keys of Egypt’ video.

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Yin-Yang Polarity

At the moment, I’m exploring the concept of polarity and unity in my intuitive meditation practice. I thought I’d share a bit about that and invite you to reflect with me on these concepts.

In my meditation journeys, I’m specifically tuning into the polarity between the masculine and feminine principles, or what the ancient Chinese referred to as yin (feminine) and yang (masculine). Not to be confused with the male/female dichotomy as seen in sex or biological differences in the animal kingdom (including humans), although there is some overlap. But we’ll go into that more soon. 

Zen tunes anyone? ‘Luaineach” Gareth Quinn Redmond

What do I mean by “polarity?” Polarity is a term used when we discuss the basic divisions of reality. Basic categories or qualities of existence. Opposites that exchange in a complementary and nourishing way. A rhythmic back and forth of primordial essences that make up reality and create the dance of consciousness. 

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