How to Make Sagittarius Season Work for You

Welcome to Sagittarius season, all. Any other astro nerds out there? I’ve tuned into the energies and resurfaced with a few messages from the astral that I hope will aid you during this next month. As you may already know, this season is ruled by beneficent Jupiter. This planetary force governs knowledge, especially the philosophical and spiritual kind and the type of learning that comes from experience. Jupiter supports us in expanding our horizons, grasping the big picture, evolving our consciousness – which is why Saggitarius’ archer glyph is aiming high. For those of you who have not directly asked for a connection to Jupiter’s influence in a meditative state, I will share with you that this planets emanations are warm, magnanimous and generous. You might even liken this energy to a nurturing father figure who wishes for you to be prosperous, to grow, to explore and learn and to reach your full potential.

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How to Stop Overthinking

Does anyone else struggle with thinking too much? I know I do.

Overthinking and letting the mind run 24/7 is not only unhealthy from a mental health perspective, it actually has major implications for your spiritual health. An overactive mind is one of the main factors interfering with our intuition’s ability to communicate with us. The soul is felt when we are living from the heart. When we are in the heart, we are in the present moment. And the KEY to dialoging with soul is being very very present. Read More

Thriving as an Empath

What it means to be a highly sensitive person

Depending on who you are speaking to or the context, the word empath can have different meanings. Sometimes, it means someone who is highly sensitive to energy in others and their environment. In this way, the word is synonymous with intuitive or psychic. Other times, it’s used to specifically describe a type of intuitive person – someone whose strongest spiritual gift is clairsentience or psychic feeling. This is someone who can intuitively read another or a space through feeling, emotion, and sensation. 

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Why Generating Positive Emotions Matters if you are an Intuitive

Many in the spiritual community say that the ability to generate positive emotions in the heart is the key to mastering this life. Well, I have to agree with this, because I’ve seen it in my own spiritual unfolding and intuitive development. Mastery of your emotions is a huge key to achieving psychic coherence with the higher dimensions and the divine realm. Achieving “coherence” means feeling a fundamental state of peace. When you can entrain and align with this energy, you are dancing with the divine. Resonating with peace allows the intuitive or meditator to receive divine guidance, wisdom and healing.

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The Ambitious Seeker

Is our “drive” really helping us in our meditation and spiritual practice, or is it just another hindrance?

Happy Winter Solstice, friends! I hope everyone is enjoying the beginnings of a cozy winter hibernation, despite the tulmut of public life these days. I thought I’d check in about the seeker’s path and how ambition actually holds us back in meditation.

If you’re anything like me, sometimes if you pay close enough attention you can feel a chord of ambition running throughout your meditation practice or spiritual life in general. It’s an interesting element to notice, because meditation and spiritual practices are more often about obtaining increased peace, inner stillness and transcending the incessant activity of the mundane mind. Often, spirituality is about our being-ness rather than our doing-ness. So, what place if any does ambition have in our spiritual life?

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Shadow Work

Our personal spiritual development unfolds in cycles. Most agree that just as there are ascending and descending phases cosmically that govern planetary consciousness, there are also light and shadow phases that catalyze an individual soul’s realization. At this point in my journey, I have a strong sense of my own light and shadow phases, so I thought I’d share with you what to look out for during both of these seasons and some navigation tips that will hopefully help you on the path.

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Symbolism & Intuition

Did you know that Spirit will talk to you in meditation and dream time through symbols?

Yep! Symbolic communication is one of the main ways our spirit guides speak to us, because as meditators we contact divine presence with our subconscious mind which speaks primarily in symbols.

Here’s what you may not already know. There are two levels of symbolic meaning in meditation. One level of understanding is universal, or true for most everyone. Symbolic meaning that most of us can agree on, like water represents emotion or lion represents courage etc. Here’s a great dictionary of symbols that I find super thorough and useful for the academic level of symbols. (Despite the title, it’s great for both men and women or any gender ID.)

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How to use Earth-based spirituality to heal yourself and grow

Over the years, I’ve had many meditation experiences that I would describe as shamanic. Visions of inner shamans that were initiating me, or messages from my guides about shamanic practices that could heal me in specific ways.

I find the shamanic element so fruitful in my own journey, so I wanted to share some of those insights with you guys in case they will be helpful.


I believe a shaman is a mediator between the world of spirit and the world of matter. Often a healer or a guide. Someone who goes into the spirit world in meditation time to help others, by finding out information or invoking healing.

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Animal Totems

How to connect with your animal guides

You can’t circulate in spiritual circles for too long without the topic of animal guides coming up. And there’s a reason for that. Discovering your inner helpers and teachers in meditation is fundamental to fully understanding your life theme and soul purpose.

As I’ve said many times, everyone who practices daily prolonged sacred meditation for several weeks in a row, will ultimately meet their inner guides. You have to put the time in. And that’s no small feet. But once you do, the fireworks start.

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Using Dreams Spiritually

As some of you may know, our dream time can be a deeply spiritual time. I think there’s a spectrum of dreaming, from the totally mundane dream that echos the day’s events to the highly spiritual visitation where you encounter an angelic presence. In our lifetime, we’ll likely get to experience this entire spectrum.

But how is dream content spiritual? The main thing to know is that our mind is divided into two main aspects, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the part of our being that we can see and know clearly. The conscious mind is where the limited, individual sense of self resides. It’s practical and useful. The subconscious is that part of our psyche that is just beneath our conscious awareness. We can sense it intuitively in dreams and meditation, but not quite “see” it directly. The content and experience there is not limited to the small self or the individual personality. Rather, it reflects the higher-self, the broader consciousness that connects all things, and the higher soul. 

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