The Holy Magic of Water

Taking a move out of Egypt’s book and using water as a spiritual tool

As you may know, it’s Keys of Egypt week here at the Diaries, which means I’m talking about the Gifts of the Nile again today!

One of the main features of Egyptian spirituality that I’ve intuitively been shown in meditation is that their priests and priestesses were utilizing what looked like ceremonial bath houses for spiritual initiation.

That makes sense when you think about it. As I said in my big mamma jamma Keys of Egypt post, the element of water is closely associated with the feminine principle which governs and facilitates psychic or mystical experience. Water represents the subconscious, the emotional body and the creative waters of our Genesis. These are areas over which the cosmic feminine principle presides. Water mysteries therefore bring us closer to her, the Goddess. The divine feminine. The heavenly mother.

Here’s something to know before we go any further. Water takes on properties with which we imbue it. It’s affected by our consciousness. We can speak words into a vessel or a body of water, and it will carry that energy. Good or bad. That’s why priests pray over their holy water. They’re filling it with a certain level of intention and consciousness.

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